Alongside my performance, producer and dramaturgy credits, I’ve served for three years on both MEAA's Equity Diversity Committee and the Theatre Companies panel for the Green Room Association. The driving force of the 2019 #justnotthatmany campaign, I am regularly invited to speak at forums and panel events about inclusivity and representation in the arts, most recently at the 2020 Music Theatre Futures forum.

If you’re curious about my perspective or interested in exploring issues of representation and inclusive theatre practice further, I’ve included my mini-keynote from the national Converge symposium in 2019 and my most recent thought-piece for Witness Performance.

Image © Sarah Walker

Image © Sarah Walker

My articles for MEAA’s Equity Magazine are not available online, but I can offer a link to an episode of Anisha Senaratne and Jeanne Khim’s Art in Colour series, that features my practice and perspective. 

I frequently consult with arts organisations, given the breadth of my experience in the sector. I also mentor artists, with a particular focus on women and artists of colour.

"Making a living in the independent sector is not easy. But it is essential - especially for women, like me, whose vision lies beyond securing the next paid job at a funded company. I want to see a cultural shift led by powerful conscious outliers. I've worked beside Sonya for the past three years on MEAA's Equity Diversity Panel, seen her work and watched her on panels / in forums: she's vocal member of the POC community who goes above and beyond her creative practice all the time."

Candy Bowers, Performer & Theatre-Maker | One the Bear

"Sonya has been an anchor and an inspiration to me as a blackfella artist ever since I was lucky enough to be paired as her mentee. Since meeting and working with her, my voice and artistry has been backed by someone who I would describe as fundamental to creating diverse and inclusive spaces in theatre. Sonya’s network of incredible BIPOC artists has connected me in a way that only a BIPOC leader can."

Amy Sole, Artist, Producer & Co-Chair | Equity Diversity Committee

"Sonya is a cultural leader in theatre and performance and her work traverses artistic practice, producing and advocacy. As a woman of South Asian heritage myself, I find there is miles to go for representation on Australian stages, pages and screens. It is a source of much hope for me to have someone like Sonya to look up to, as I'm sure it is for swathes of young women of color in the arts."

Nithya Nagarajan, Producer / International Market Adviser | Australia Council for the Arts